Bonsai containers

japanese mapple

What Kind Of Container Should You Use? The answer to this question depends upon the function of the containeritself. Fundamentally, there are two kinds of bonsai pots: training pots anddisplay pots. If your bonsai is in the training stage, then the pot you need to use is a functional training pot. Training pots are available … Read more

How to clean bonsai tools

how to clean bonsai scissors

It’s essential that when you finished with the day’s work, you must clean your tools to ensure the tool’s quality. Today we explain how to properly clean bonsai tools. There are 2 main reasons to clean your bonsai tools properly. Clean bonsai tools 1. It helps to keep the tools fresh and strong. 2. It … Read more

How to sharpen bonsai tools

sharp my shears with tungsten carbride

To sharpen bonsai tools, what you need is an oilstone. A sharpening rod is slightly curved on one side and flat on the other side. You need the emery rubber to help you clean up the tool before you start sharpening it. Now you can choose between two sharpening methods. On the one hand there … Read more

Bending a bonsai branch

bending a bonsai branch

In this post, we will be talking about raffia and how you can use it to bend branches in o your bonsai tree. Do you know how to bend a bonsai branch? What is Raffia? Raffia is essentially a natural current fiber that comes from a palm tree. What we’re concerned about is protecting the … Read more

Bonsai soil

bonsai soil

All bonsai trees need their roots in something that allows them to draw moisture, nutrients and to keep them stable. They also need a degree of oxygen around the roots to keep them healthy. That is bonsai soil. Soil properties for bonsai Bonsai soil needs higher drainage properties than a lot of standard types of soil but … Read more

Repotting Bonsai Trees

cuttin roots while repotting a bonsai tree

The Principles In order to understand why, when, and how we repot bonsai trees, it is important to understand what the bonsai tree roots do. Roots serve a number of functions – they secure the tree so it can grow, allow for nutrients and water to be absorbed, and store energy, water, and nutrients for … Read more